Do You Carry any Hurts or Baggage?
You will NEVER have READ ANYTHING quite like this BEFORE!
Unique and based upon Actual Events, these five
inspired Stories will minister God’s Word directly
into your life…
▪ God’s never failing LOVE and GRACE
▪ Compassion
▪ a FAITH that can reach out to GOD
▪ a REALITY CHECK on your walk with God
This is an encouraging read. It walks in the realm of reality and the challenges we all face everyday, BUT it also gives testimony and points to a life changing God who loves his people. It is a book about real life and a healing God who loves his people.
This is an easy read that is full of Godly wisdom and practical insights. It is authentic and real and I found it a real blessing.
It is a testimony to a God who loves his people.
Is GOD REAL in your Life?
Do you desire a CLOSER WALK with GOD?
"If God is real, you should be able to talk with Him... and He with you!"
This was said by an arrogant unbelieving 19-year-old to his mother as she sat in front of a coal fire, reading her Bible!
This authentic autobiography traces the author's life from an early age up to retirement and reveals how a living encounter with Jesus Christ, at the age of nineteen, led Him into a personal
walk with God, unfolding before him a destiny and purpose that he could never have dreamed of!
Copyright © 2020 Brian R
'There is a Balm in Gilead: God's Healing Love, Grace and Compassion
"Dorothy McGuire" Books 1 and 2 and 3
"Living Victoriously in the LAST DAYS"
"I Found Reality" - My Autobiography
"Living in His Presence" - JUST ARRIVED
As of year 2020
Living in the Power and Realm of the HOLY SPIRIT- 2021
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